February 2, 2012

The nearest locality tool identifies the five closest gazetteer features to a point clicked on the map.

Nearest Locality

From the menu option, select Tools, and then Nearest locality.

The nearest locality tool dialogue window instructs the user to click on the map to generate the nearest localities.

Click on the map for the 10 nearest localities.

Select the Edit location button to change the point.

The named gazetteer features are shown by markers on the map and in a table that includes latitude and longitude, distance to the feature, and compass bearing. The latitude and longitude of the point clicked is prominently displayed.

These gazetteer features could help the user decide which gazetteer polygon to use in adding an area.

Select one of the above locations using the Add to map | Area | Gazetteer polygon option and typing in the name of the location.

The latitude, longitude of named features and the actual point clicked could help with the task of building a list of points to load into the Spatial Portal. See Import points.