Search results can be filtered by many different record attributes, these are known as facets.

If you are interested in filtering by facets in the spatial portal, please see this article.

Using facets in search results

  1. Start your search. This could be by taxon, area or any other search criteria. This example shows a search for the genus Acacia. The default facets are displayed on the search results page in the Narrow your search section on the left. The facets are grouped into categories.

2. Toggling the category heading will display the default facets.

3. You can select a facet you are interested in, or click on the Choose more option to see a list of attributes within that category and select multiple facets. The Choose more option also allows you to choose whether to Include (default) or Exclude the facets. You can also download the list of facets.

Customising the facets

The Customise filters button allows you to see the full list of facet categories.

1. Click on the Customise filters button in the top left of the search results page

2. The facet categories will be displayed. Select the categories of interest and click on Update.

Note: there is a limit of 16 facet categories able to be selected at once. If you select more than 16, a warning will display at the bottom of the dialogue box asking you to remove facets.

In the example below, Scientific name (unprocessed) and Subspecies have been added to the Taxon facets.