If a data quality filter is filtering out records you have provided to the ALA, you can check which particular issue has been identified, correct the issue on the record(s) and work with the ALA to reload your dataset with the updated record(s).
Note: you must be the data provider or an authorised representative of the data provider for the ALA to reload your data. The ALA will not modify records at the request of a 3rd party.
To identify records in a collection or dataset with data quality issues
1. Search for your dataset or collection of records in the biocache.
One way to do this is to:
- open the biocache (biocache.ala.org.au)
- select the Advanced search tab
- go to the Institution or collection or Data Resource field
- select the name of the dataset or collection (in the Data Resource field you can start typing letters or a word that is in the name and select from the matched names)
- select the Search button
2. The records for the dataset or collection will be displayed with the ALA General data profile applied.
3. Choose a filter category that is excluding records and click on the (i) icon to view further information and actions.
5. Select the View excluded records option.
The excluded records will display in a new tab.
Note: the only filters being applied to the search results will be the ones that show the excluded records from the previous search, these are now the included records in the new search results tab.
5. Select View record for one of the excluded records. Scrolling through the record you will be able to see a section for Geospatial and a section for Data quality tests. The Geospatial section will list spatial information for the record such as coordinates and coordinate uncertainty, and the data quality test section will list all the tests the record has passed.
Clicking the option to Show/Hide <x number> missing properties will allow you to see the tests failed by the record.
Tip: Mouse over the (?) icon for each failed test to see a brief description and a wiki link. Clicking on the wiki link will provide a further description.
If it is unclear why records are failing a particular data quality test, please contact the ALA at [email protected].
To update incorrect records
The ALA does not undertake to correct individual records for a data provider. Instead the record provider should update the record within their dataset and provide a full set of records to be reloaded.
Please contact the data team at [email protected] to arrange for a new upload of your data.