The location settings allow you to configure how users record locations in your survey form, and the styling of the map displayed in the survey.
To configure the location settings for your survey:
- Click on the “Admin” button at the top.
- Click on “Survey settings” on the left.
- Click the “Locations” tab.
Configuring how users record locations
In the first section you can configure how users provide location information when they are entering data. You can choose to have users select sites from a pre-defined list, or to create their own sites.
If you are conducting an opportunistic sighting survey, it is best to allow users to create their own sites. If you are conducting a structured survey at specific locations, you may want to provide sites for users to choose from. This can improve data accuracy and make the form easier to use.
If you choose to create a list of pre-defined sites, you will need to upload these sites. There are three ways to add sites to your survey, each of which are explained below.
Add sites from other projects or surveys
Click on the “Add sites from other projects/surveys” button. Start typing the name of the selected site and click the “Select” button to add it to your survey. You can add as many sites as you like, and once you’ve finished, click the “Add selected sites” button.
Once you’ve added the sites they will appear with a tick next to them, showing that they are available for selection in your survey. If you no longer wish to include your site in the survey, you can uncheck the box or delete the site. Note: you will only be able to delete a site if it is not selected in your survey.
Create a new site
Click on the “Create a new site” button. Enter a site name and then add any additional information. Use the map tools to either select a point on the map or to define an area. If you define a point, you can change the latitude and longitude using the fields on the right-hand site of the map. Once you are happy with the site details, click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the page.
Upload multiple sites from a shapefile
If you have sites already defined in a shapefile, you can choose to upload them in bulk. Click on the “Upload site(s) from shapefile” button. Select the file from your computer and then click “Upload shapefile”. You can view how the shapefile interprets your data and decide which fields to map. Once you're happy with the mapping and the site selection, click the “Create sites” button at the top of the page.
Configuring the map styling
The map styling options allow you to configure how users will see the map when they are entering data. You can configure both the base map and any overlays you’d like. If you have also configured the map in the project information (link), changes to the survey configuration will override those changes.