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Types of data
The ALA hosts a wealth of biodiversity data including specimen and observation data.
Specimen data
Specimen data is often an organism, photograph, sound, or other multimedia file of a species that has been scientifically collected by, and managed in, a natural history collection, a museum or herbarium.
Observation data
Observation data is a record of the sighting of an organism by an individual or member of an organisation such as a community environment group. Observations may be supported by a photograph, sound, or other multimedia file.
Specimen and observation data are supplemented by:
- images—often drawn from Morphbank
- literature describing the species—usually taken from the Biodiversity Heritage Library
- molecular DNA data—drawn from BOLD
- identification keys
- species profile (descriptive) data drawn from a wide range of sources
- nomenclatural data taken from National Species Lists
- information on the data provider
- indicators of the conservation or other sensitivity status, e.g., conservation sensitive species
- geospatial, geopolitical, and environmental layers used in the Spatial Portal as an overlay on maps of species occurrence data
Summary of data
Currently, the ALA has over 100 million occurrence records!
A substantial portion of our dataset is made up of bird records (~50 million records) followed by:
- Plant records (~15 million)
- Invertebrates (~5 million)
- Fish (~3 million)
- Mammals (~ 3 million)
- Reptiles (~ 1 million)
- Amphibians (~700,000)
- Fungi (~15,000)

Data sources
The ALA is a data aggregator, which means we rely on data custodians to share their data. Data on the ALA comes from many different sources including:
- Museum and natural history collections
- Universities
- Indigenous ecological knowledge holders
- Science agencies
- Individuals
- Community and conservation groups
- Government
- Industry
More information:
- View natural history collection organisations providing data to the ALA at Australia's Natural History Collections
- Search data sets in the ALA and the data providers at Atlas of Living Australia data sets
- Visit the ALA dashboard for facts and figures about our data providers
- View recent sightings from BioCollect to see recent contributions by individuals