In previous versions of the spatial portal you needed to import a list of LSIDs. In version 2.0 and later versions of the spatial portal this has been simplified to using a species list of scientific names. Note that a name may be species as in Eucalyptus gunnii, a common name such as Cider Gum, or a name of a group of higher taxa such as "Hakea" (a genus) or "Squalidae" (a family).

To use a species list in the spatial portal you can:

1. Enter a list of scientific or common names

2. Upload a .csv file of scientific or common names 

3. Select scientific or common names individually via the same search as Add to Map | Species  

Select Import | Species List

There are three options for adding a list of names:

Enter a list of scientific or common names

You can enter a list of scientific or common names individually or by cutting and pasting a list. Each name should be on a separate line.

The Spatial portal will seek to match the names given to current accepted names, or recognised synonyms. All resolved names will be added to the spatial portal in a layer. Any names not resolved will not be added. Some very long hybrid names may not be accepted. Try searching for these names instead.

Click Add to match names and see the number of occurrences.

Click Next to create a list of names. You will be asked to name the list. You can also add a description. By default, the list is created as a Private list. If you wish to share the list with others, remove the tick in the check box. Lists created this way can be viewed in the ALA Lists tool. On the lists tool page, select My Lists to see the lists you have created.

Click Next to create an occurrence layer using these names.

Upload a file

You can upload a .csv file of scientific names. To use this option, click on Choose file and select the file you want to upload.

Then choose Upload. This will populate the dialogue box above with your list of species names.

Click Add to match names and see the number of occurrences.

Click Next to create a list of names. You will be asked to name the list. You can also add a description. By default, the list is created as a Private list. If you wish to share the list with others, remove the tick in the check box. Lists created this way can be viewed in the ALA Lists tool. On the lists tool page, select My Lists to see lists you have created.

Click Next to create a species occurrence layer using these names.

Search for names

This option allows you to manually create a list by individually searching for each name. This is a useful option for a small list of names, if you have found the ALA cannot match some of your taxa, or if you are unsure of the names. You can search via accepted scientific name, scientific name synonyms or by common name. The Spatial Portal's 'auto-complete' will start displaying matches once three characters have been entered.

Enter each name individually into the search box.

In the example below, I have searched using a common name to find Pseudechis australis  or King Brown Snake.

Selecting the option given, adds it to the species list below.

Continue searching for all species names required for the list.

Click Next to create a list of names. You will be asked to name the list. You can also add a description. By default, the list is created as a Private list. If you wish to share the list with others, remove the tick in the check box. Lists created this way can be viewed in the ALA Lists tool. On the lists tool page, select My Lists to see lists you have created.

Once the list is complete, click Next to create an occurrence layer using these names.